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Kamis, 16 April 2020

Tugas softskill 5


1.       _____B______ they are tropical birds, parrots can live in temperate or even cold climates.
A. Despite
B. Even though
C. Nevertheless
D. But
2.      Natural silk is still highly prized ___B____ similar artificial fabrics.
A. although is available
B. despite there are available
C. in spite of the availability of
D. even though an availability of
3.      The president of the United States appoints the cabinet members, ___D___ appointments are subject to Senate approval.
A. their
B. with their
C. because their
D. but their
4.      The prisoners were prevented from speaking to reporters because ___D___.
A. not wanting the story in the papers
B. the story in the papers the superintenddn did not want
C. the public to hear the story
D. the superintendent did not want the story in the papers
5.      _____A_____ towards shore, its shape is changed by its collision with the shallow sea bottom.
A. During a wave rolls
B. As a wave rolls
C. A wave rolls
D. A wave's rolling
6.      ______A______ are increasingly linked over long distances by electronic communications, but many of them still prefer face-to-face encounters.
A. Although people
B. Despite people
C. Today people
D. The fact that people
7.      Cattle ranches are found almost ___B___ in Utah.
A. wherever
B. everywhere
C. overall
D. somewhere
8.     If ultraviolet radiation enters the Earth's atmosphere, ___B__ generally blocked by the ozone concentrated in the atmosphere.
A. it
B. it is
C. so it is
D. then it
9.      ____B____ show the relations among neurons, they do not preclude the possibility that other aspects are important.
A. Neural theories
B. A neural theory
C. Although neural theories
D. However neural theories
10.  _____A____ together in one place, they form a community.
A. When people live
B. When people living
C. Whenever people who live
D. Whenever living people 

11.   _____B____ managed by an independent governor and board of directors, the Bank of Canada is owned by the Canadian government.
A. And yet
B. In spite of it
C. Although
D. It is
12.  ___D____ pieces of rope are of different thickness, the weaver's knot can be used to join them.
A. Two of
B. What two
C. Two such
D. If two
13.  ____A_____ the seeds of the Kentucky coffee plant are poisonous.
A. Until they have been cooked
B. Cooking them
C. They have been cooked
D. Cooked until
14.  _____A_____ through a prism, a beam of white light breaks into all the colors of the rainbow.
A. When shines
B. It shines
C. It is shone
D. When shone
15.  ____D____ most people think of freezing as a relatively modern method of food preservation, it is actually one of the oldest.
A. Even
B. As though
C. However
D. Even though
16.  ___C_____  large bodies of water never freeze solid is that the sheet of ice on the surface protects the water below it from the cold air.
A. Because
B. Why do
C. The reason that
D. For the reason
17.   ____A_____ granted by the Patent Office, it becomes the inventor's property and he or she can keep it, sell it, or license it to someone else.
A. Once a patent is
B. When a patent
C. A patent, once
D. A patent, whenever it
18.  Owls can hunt in total darkness ___B___ their remarkably keen sense of smell.
A. since
B. because of
C. the result
D. that
19.  ____C_____ most bamboo blooms every year, there are some species that flower only two or three times a century.
A. Whenever
B. That
C. While
D. However
20. ____B____ advertising is so widespread in the United States, it has had an enormous effect on American life.
A. Why
B. The reason
C. On account of
D. Since

Selasa, 07 April 2020

Tugas Softskill 4


1. Aerodynamics is the study of the forces ______ on an object as it moves through the atmosphere.
A. acting
B. act
C. are acting
D. acted

2. ______for their strong fiber include flax and hemp.
A. Plants are grown
B. Plants grown
C. Plants that grow
D. To grow plants

3. Elfreth's Alley in Philadelphia is the oldest residential street in the United States, with ______ from 1728.
A. houses are dated
B. the dates of the houses
C. the dating of houses
D. houses dating

4. In 1821 the city of Indianapolis, Indiana, was laid out in a design ______ after that of Washington, D.C.
A. patterned
B. was patterned
C. a pattern
D. that patterned

5. The Massachusetts State House, ___________ in 1798, was the most distinguished building in the United States at that time.
A. completing
B. which was completed
C. was completed
D. to be completed

6. The solitary scientist ______ by himse1fhas in many instances been replaced by a cooperative scientific team.
A. to make important discoveries
B. important discoveries were made
C. has made important discoveries
D. making important discoveries

7. Geometry is the branch of mathematics ______ the properties of lines, curves, shapes, and surfaces.
A. that concerned with
B. it is concerned with
C. concerned with
D. its concerns are

8. ______an average of 471 inches of rain a year, Mount Waialeale in Hawaii is the wettest spot in the world.
A. It receives
B. Receiving
C. To receive
D. Receive

9. Amber is a hard, yellowish-brown __________from the resin of pine trees that lived millions of years ago.
A. substance formed
B. to form a substance
C. substance has formed
D. forming a substance

10.  ____________ relations with friends and acquaintances, playa major role in the social development of adolescents.
A. What are called peer group relations are
B. Peer group relations are
C. Peer group relations, the
D. By peer group relations, we mean

11. Ruth St. Dennis turned to Asian dances to find inspiration for her choreography.
A. It was the dancer
B. The dancer
C. That the dancer
D. The dancer was

12.  The organs of taste are the ____________ which are mainly located on the tongue.
A. groups of cells, are taste buds
B. taste buds, are groups of cells
C. taste buds, these are groups of cells
D. taste buds, groups of cells

13.  In 1878 Frederick W Taylor invented a concept called scientific management, ______ of obtaining as much efficiency from workers and machines as possible.
A. it is a method
B. a method which
C. a method
D. called a method

14.  In physics, _________ "plasma" refers to a gas which has a nearly equal number of positively and negatively charged particles.
A. the term
B. by the term
C. is termed
D. terming

15.  Jerome Kern's most famous work is Showboat, ______ most enduring musical comedies.
A. it is one of the finest,
B. one of the finest,
C. the finest one
D. as the finest of the

16.  _________ a marshland that covers over 750 square miles in North Carolina and Virginia.
A. In the Great Dismal Swamp,
B. The Great Dismal Swamp, which
C. The Great Dismal Swamp,
D. The Great Dismal Swamp is

17.  A group of Shakers, ___________settled around Pleasant Hill, Kentucky, in 1805.
A. members of a strict religious sect which
B. whose members of a strict religious sect
C. members of a strict religious sect,
D. were members of a strict religious sect

18.  In 1791 Quebec was divided into two sections, Upper Canada and Lower Canada, ____ were ruled by elected assemblies.
A. they both
B. both of them
C. in which both
D. both of which

19.  Although blood ______ in urine and stool samples, it cannot always be detected without the aid of a microscope.
A. lets residue
B. leaves residue
C. residues
D. making residue

20.  Judge Francis Hopkinson is probably best known as a signer of the Declaration of Independence, but he also excelled as a poet, _______________, and an orator.
A. as a musician
B. by playing music
C. a musician
D. he played music