This is default featured slide 1 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 2 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 3 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 4 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

This is default featured slide 5 title

Go to Blogger edit html and find these sentences.Now replace these sentences with your own descriptions.

Rabu, 25 Maret 2020

Tugas Softskill 3


Directions: Retype the following sentences and choose the one option-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that correctly completes the sentences.

1. When bats are at rest, ______ hang upside-down.
(A) they
(B) and
(C) to
(D) as
Answer: ___A___

2. _________ that the capital of South Carolina was moved from Charleston to Columbia.
(A) In 1790 was
(B) There was in 1790
(C) In 1790
(D) It was in 1790
Answer: ___D___

3. Although not as important as they once were, ______ a major form of transportation in North America.
(A) there are still railroads
(B) railroads, which are still
(C) railroads are still
(D) railroads still being
Answer: ___C___

4. The Loop, which is the commercial heart of Chicago, ______ within a rectangular loop of elevated train tracks.
(A) that is enclosed
(B) enclosing it
(C) is enclosed
(D) enclosed
Answer: ___C___

5. ________ amino acids that serve as the basic building blocks of all proteins.
(A) About twenty
(B) For about twenty of
(C) About twenty are
(D) There are about twenty
Answer: ___D___

6. If a person does not have an attorney, the court _______ one.
(A) will appoint
(B) appointed
(C) would appoint
(D) appointing
Answer: ___C___

7. _________ the eight Ivy League schools are among the most prestigious colleges in the United States.
(A) It is generally accepted that
(B) That it is accepted
(C) Accepting that it is
(D) That is accepted
Answer: ___A____

8. On the average, a healthy heart _________ to pump five tablespoons of blood with every beat.
(A) must
(B) ought
(C) can
(D) should
Answer: ___C_____

9. In general, by the second year of production, the price of a new piece of technology significantly.
(A) will decreased
(B) has decreased
(C) will have decreased
(D) will has decreased
Answer: ___A_____

10. If gasoline vapor with air, combustion will occur.
(A) Mixed
(B) had mixed
(C) mixes
(D) mixture
Answer: ____C____

Jumat, 20 Maret 2020

Tugas Softskill 2


Retype the following sentences and choose the one option-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that correctly completes the sentences.

1.    ________ by cosmic rays.
(A)   The earth is constantly bombarded
(B)   Bombarded constantly, the earth
(C)   Bombarding the earth constantly
(D)   The earth's constant bombardment
Answer: ___A___

2.    ________ primary colors are red, blue, and yellow.
(A) There are three
(B) The three
(C) Three of them
(D) That the three
Answer: ___B___

3.    ______who was elected the first woman mayor of Chicago in 1979.
(A) It was Jane Byrne
(B) Jane Byrne
(C) That Jane Byrne
(D) When Jane Byrne
Answer: ___B___

4.    Every computer consists of a number of systems ______ together.
(A) by working
(B) work
(C) they work
(D) that work
Answer: ___D___

5.    On the Moon, ______ air because the Moon's gravitational field is too weak to retain an atmosphere.
(A) there is no
(B) where no
(C) no
(D) is no
Answer: ___A___

6.    The Glass Mountains of northwestern Oklahoma ______ with flecks of gypsum, which shine in the sunlight.
(A) they are covered
(B) covered them
(C) that are covered
(D) are covered
Answer: ___D___

7.    In some cases, ______ to decide if an organism is a plant or an animal.
(A) difficult if
(B) it is difficult
(C) the difficulty
(D) is difficult
Answer: ___B___

8.    The first American novelist to have a major impact on world literature _____.
(A) who was James Fenimore Cooper
(B) James Fenimore Cooper was
(C) it was James Fenimore Cooper
(D) was James Fenimore Cooper
Answer: ___D___

9.    _________ important railroad tunnel in the United States was cut through the Hoosac Mountains in Massachusetts.
(A) At first
(B) It was the first
(C) The first
(D) As the first of
Answer: ___C___

10. Generally, in the valleys and foothills of the Pacific Coast ranges.
(A) the California poppy grown
(B) the growth of the California poppy
(C) the California poppy grows
(D) growing the California poppy
Answer: ___C___

Sabtu, 14 Maret 2020

Tugas Softskill

Retype the following sentences and choose the one option-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that correctly completes the sentences.

Directions: Retype the following sentences and choose the one option-(A), (B), (C), or (D)-that correctly completes the sentences.

1.    In the United States, _________ is generally the responsibility of municipal governments.
(A) for water treatment
(B) water treatment
(C) where water treatment
(D) in which water treatment
answer: __C___

2.    Crop rotation _________ of preserving soil fertility.
(A) it is one method
(B) one method
(C) a method is one
(D) is one method
answer: ____D___

3.    ___________ the dollar as its monetary unit in 1878.
(A) Canada adopted
(B) Adopted by Canada,
(C) It was adopted by Canada
(D) The Canadian adoption of
answer: ___A___

4.    __________ almost impossible to capture the beauty of the aurora borealis in photographs.
(A) Being
(B) His
(C) There is
(D) Is
answer: ___C___

5.    Usually, political cartoons ______ on the editorial page of a newspaper.
(A) appear
(B) whose appearance
(C) by appearing
(D) when they appear
answer: ___A____

6.    _________ two major art museums, the Fogg and the Sadler.
(A) Harvard University has
(B) At Harvard University
(C) Harvard University, with its
(D) There at Harvard University
answer: ___A___

7.    American actress and director Margaret Webster ______ for her production of Shakespearean plays.
(A) who became famous
(B) famous as she became
(C) becoming famous
(D) became famous
answer: ___D____

8.    _______ gas tanks connected to welding equipment, one full of oxygen and the other full of acetylene.
(A) It is two
(B) Of the two
(C) There are two
(D) Two
answer: ___C____

9.    ________ is more interested in rhythm than in melody is apparent from his compositions.
(A) That Philip Glass
(B) Philip Glass, who
(C) Philip Glass
(D) Because Philip Glass
answer: ___C____

10.  Compressed air ______ the power to drive pneumatic tools.
(A) by providing
(B) provides
(C) that provides
(D) the provision of
answer: ___B___